Prepping for an eventful Greenville, NC year ahead? Consider these tips for staying orderly as schedules fill up this fall.

Big box store displays of pencils, notebooks and folders are a sign that summer is coming to an end. That means parents and guardians are gearing up for change with children soon heading back to school.

Adjusting to new schoolyear schedules is time-consuming, as is purchasing school supplies, fitting growing feet into new shoes, and getting everyone ready for the big first day. Check out these six basic yet helpful tasks to help keep your home organized heading into the fall.

1. Make a daily or weekly cleaning schedule

We’ve all been there – planning to tidy up every day but instead letting clutter accumulate. It can be a vicious cycle. With schedules getting even busier come school time, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule can bring more than organization to your home – it can bring peace of mind, too.

The 21/90 rule suggests that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 90 days to have that habit turn into a permanent lifestyle change. So, write down a cleaning schedule for daily and weekly tasks – and place it in plain sight via paper or a wipe-erase board. This can help form new, more organized habits over time, changing the ambiance of your home.

Plus, if your children are able to help out, get creative with your own unique spin on a traditional chore chart, instilling accountability. After all, many hands make light work (or so they say).

2. Invest in upgraded storage solutions – and a label maker

Ready for the harsh truth? Americans spend two and a half days per year searching for lost items, according to a study by Pixie Technologies. Implementing storage solutions into crowded areas of the home can make for better organization habits and prevent you from running late because you just couldn’t find something (namely a phone, wallet, or keys).

Drawer dividers, clear bins for shelves, under-the-bed storage tubs, wall hooks, and other simple solutions are available at most department, container, and home improvement stores. Don’t forget to make use of blank space, like the back of doors or the back of cabinets, including under the bathroom sink.

Add removable labels to keep it clear what belongs in each zone. This can be extra helpful when different members of the household store away or restock items into common spaces.

3. Optimize the entryway/mudroom

Whatever space lies beyond the front door typically becomes a dumping ground for that day’s shoes, outerwear, sports equipment, and more. Whether this space is large – like a whole mudroom – or a

smaller entryway nook, optimize it with shoe trays, extra hooks for backpacks, wall shelving for keys, and bins for shoes, equipment, and pet supplies.

Ahead of the winter (which will come quicker than you think), consider adding a boot wipe outside to combat some of the mess grass, mud and snow can bring.

4. Clean out the pantry

‘Tis the season for after school snacking. The extra-busy time of year also means a few extra-hasty meals. Make eating easier by cleaning out your pantry now and disposing of, or donating, unwanted goods. Don’t forget to check expiration dates and clean out the fridge and freezer, too. Whether in drawers, cabinets or the fridge, carve out easily accessible space to store snacks kids can reach.

5. Ok, actually clean out every space

Well, this one feels obvious. But oftentimes, clutter and unwanted items crowd the essentials, making an entire space – like a clothing or linen closet – feel overwhelming. Instead of tackling every nook-and-cranny at once, start with one spot at a time and conduct a realistic purge. Paper stacks, junk drawers, communal closets, the basement and garage are all good places to start.

6. Don’t forget the car

The house is where you sleep at night – but when balancing multiple busy schedules, it can sometimes feel like your car is your second home. In the wake of summer fun (which may have involved sand or dripping ice cream cones), consider having your car professionally detailed for a clean slate to start off the school year in.

Then, use built-in storage, like behind the seats, or try some small storage bins, to keep essentials on hand during transit. These are items like hand sanitizer, tissues, an umbrella, a hairbrush, or whatever items are must-haves for you and your family. To save space, look for either a car-specific organizer or a toiletry kit to hang from headrests on the back of chairs. And to combat mess after meals on-the-go, consider picking up a car trash can.

The year ahead will surely bring early mornings, late nights, accomplished milestones and lasting memories. Implementing new organization tactics into a household can be the key to helping save time amid busy days.